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Employee Appeal Processes

Grievance Types

In accordance with 5-004 Policy: INTERIM Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities Policy (“Policy”), the university has adopted the following procedure to address grievances or concerns specific to accommodation decisions.

Employees should recognize that there are two (2) procedures to address disability-related complaints, depending on the nature of the complaint. Two (2) distinct policies guide the processes noted below:

  1. ACCOMMODATION:  The Policy provides that the university shall have an interactive process for employee accommodations. This includes establishing a grievance procedure to address employee concerns regarding accommodation determinations. Through this grievance process, an employee may seek a review of decisions related to a denial of a requested accommodation, failure to provide an approved accommodation, or access-related concerns at the university. 
  2. DISCRIMINATION:   UF’s Regulation No. 1.006 on Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Invasion of Privacy addresses employee complaints alleging harassment or other forms of discrimination based on disability (unrelated to access or accommodation) and all types of employee and third-party disability discrimination complaints. These complaints should be filed directly with UF Human Resources via the Office of Employee Relations and not through the ADA Accommodation Grievance Procedure or to the ADA/504 Coordinator.

Accommodation Decisions

The most efficient way for an employee to resolve a potential concern related to decisions related to a denial of a requested accommodation, failure to provide an approved accommodation, or access-related concerns at the university is to communicate concerns directly to the university’s ADA/504 Coordinator.

Most concerns can be resolved through facilitated discussion within the interactive process at this level. If the concern is resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, no formal appeal is necessary.

If informal solutions do not resolve the employee’s concerns related to accommodation(s), an employee may appeal in writing to the university’s Chief Compliance, Ethics, and Privacy Officer using the UF Employee Accommodations Appeal Form. This appeal should clearly state the reason for the appeal and the remedy sought by the employee.

The university’s Chief Compliance, Ethics, and Privacy Officer will review necessary information and may interview individuals to obtain information relevant to the appeal. The Chief Compliance, Ethics, and Privacy Officer will, within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the appeal, render a written determination that may uphold the original decision, amend it, or overturn it. The Chief Compliance, Ethics, and Privacy Officer’s determination will be considered the final decision of the university.

Disability Discrimination Complaints by Employees & Students

Under UF’s Regulation No. 1.006 on Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Invasion of Privacy, UF Human Resources receives and reviews reports of discrimination based on disability submitted by employees and students.

The Office of Employee Relations receives reports via email at employeerelations@hr.ufl.edu.  While emailing a report is the most efficient way to communicate relevant information, the Office of Employee Relations will also receive complaints by phone at (352-392-1072) or in-person by scheduled appointment (903 W. University Avenue P.O. Box 115003 Gainesville, FL 32611-5003.) 

The Office of Employee Relations follows the complaint resolution procedures and time frames consistent with the university’s Regulation No. 1.006 on Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Invasion of Privacy.