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Students with disabilities at UF can request accommodations through the interactive request process with the Disability Resource Center. The interactive process is one in which an ongoing dialogue occurs between the university and the student in order to facilitate assessment, review and determination of applicable reasonable accommodations. Any students inquiring about accommodations or accommodation related concerns should contact the Disability Resource Center at DRC@ufsa.ufl.edu.

Grievance Procedure for Student Accommodation & Disability Discrimination Complaints

1. Overview of Procedures to Address Disability-Related Complaints

In accordance with the university’s Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities Policy (“ADA Policy”), the university has adopted the following procedure to address grievances or concerns specific to accommodation decisions for students.

Students should recognize that there are two (2) procedures to address disability-related complaints, depending on the nature of the complaint. Two (2) distinct policies guide the processes noted below:

  1. ACCOMMODATION: The university’s ADA Policy provides that the university shall have an interactive process for student accommodations. This includes establishing a grievance procedure to address student concerns regarding accommodation determinations. Through this grievance process, a student may seek a review of decisions related to a denial of a requested accommodation. 
  2. DISCRIMINATION: The university’s Regulation on Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Invasion of Privacy addresses student complaints alleging harassment or other forms of discrimination based on disability (unrelated to access or accommodation) and all types of employee and third-party disability discrimination complaints. These complaints should be filed directly with the Office of Employee Relations and not through the Student Accommodation Grievance Procedure to the ADA/504 Coordinator or the Disability Resource Center (“DRC”).

2. Student Accommodation Decision Grievance Procedure

The DRC approves accommodations for students based on an interactive on-going process with students to meet their individual needs. 

In accordance with the ADA Policy, the university has adopted a grievance procedure to address student accommodation appeals.  Below is the detailed information and procedures associated with the accommodation appeal process for students:

Step 1: Student to meet with their assigned Accessibility Specialist within the DRC to review a specific accommodation request.

Step 2: If the Accessibility Specialist determines the accommodation request is not reasonable and the student does not agree, the student may appeal in writing and meet with the Assistant Director for Access within 15 business days.

Step 3: If the Assistant Director for Access determines the accommodation request is not reasonable and the student does not agree, the student may appeal in writing and meet with the Associate Director within 10 business days.

Step 4: If the Associate Director determines the accommodation request is not reasonable and the student does not agree, the student may appeal in writing and meet with the Director within 10 business days.

Step 5: If a student does not agree with the determination made by the Director of the Disability Resource Center, the student may appeal in writing by submitting an official UF ADA Grievance to the ADA/504 Coordinator by completing the Student Accommodation Appeal Form within 10 business days. The ADA/504 Coordinator’s determination is the final determination for the university regarding the student’s concern. 

As part of Step 5, the ADA/504 Coordinator may review any information necessary specific to the student’s concern. Additionally, it is the purview of the ADA/504 Coordinator to determine whether a meeting with the student, DRC, or any other individual or office is needed to either resolve or render a determination regarding the student’s accommodation grievance.

3.     Disability Discrimination Complaints Filed by Students

The Office of Employee Relations receives and reviews reports of discrimination based on disability submitted by students.  

Employee Relations receives reports by emailing employeerelations@hr.ufl.edu. While emailing a report is the most efficient way to communicate relevant information, Employee Relations will also receive complaints by phone at (352-392-1072) or in-person by scheduled appointment.  The Office of Employee Relations follows the complaint resolution procedures and time frames consistent with the university’s anti-discrimination regulation.